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Bona Fide Boundary: Lai Yue-Hong Solo Exhibition


Lai Yue-Hong Solo Exhibition.jpg

日期Date          2018.09.22-11.03

地點Venue             朝代畫廊B館(台北市大安區樂利路43號,近六張犁捷運站&遠企)

                            Dynasty Gallery B (No. 43, Leli Road, Da-An District, Taipei, Taiwan)

開幕Opeing           2018.09.22 (Sat.) 16:00


This exhibition is sponsored by National Culture and Arts Foundation







賴岳宏1990年生於桃園,於國立高雄師範大學美術系取得學士與碩士,目前在高雄生活創作。他於求學時期便以多種不同的創作系列開始嶄露頭角,作品深受大眾歡迎,過往個展有《煙硝日常》(朝代畫廊,台北,2016)、《指尖上的風景》(帕莎蒂娜烘焙坊,高雄,2015)、《虛擬表徵》(La Beauty,高雄,2012)。近期聯展包括《Art Taipei台北國際藝術博覽會》(世貿一館朝代畫廊展位,台北,2016)、《星空下的回望-當代視覺藝術X當代音樂中的另類天文學家》(駁二藝術特區,高雄,2016)、《囼肉場》(嘉義鐵道藝術村,嘉義,2016)、《月津港燈節》(月津港,台南,2016)、《鏡微顯》(新浜碼頭藝術空間,高雄,2015)等。曾獲《台灣美術新貌獎-入選》(台中,2016)、《台灣國展-佳作》(高雄,2016)等獎項,他的作品曾被御盟集團-晶英國際行館(2017)、麗寶文化藝術基金會(2016)、文化部藝術銀行(2016)及中華民國海軍軍官學校圖書館(2015)典藏。


Dynasty Gallery is pleased to announce you, that we will hold the opening of LAI Yue-Hong’s the latest solo exhibition “Bona Fide Boundary” at 4PM on 22 Sep. The exhibition will be held from the same day to 3 Nov. In this exhibition, LAI Yue-Hong uses his own experience during the alternative military service period to create the works, presenting the truth that belongs to him.


After one year of experience with at-risk students, LAI Yue-Hong has made a significant change in the way he observes the world, and he has been able to re-recognize the information differences that he has learn from the media. The solo exhibition "Bona Fide Boundary" is not just an event of interest to the artist, but using a different angle from the past to record the inadvertent experience. “Through those days, I have seen the reality that has always existed in the society and is not willing to be confronted by public. I also understand that the so-called knowledge and understanding are totally different in fact.” LAI said.


In addition to recording the stories, LAI Yue-Hong also tried to continue them. The "Hole" series has appeared in the previous solo exhibition, the artist spliced many different spatial layers and caused visual dislocation, let reality and fiction entangle each other. In the new series "Sea of Stardust", the artist extended from the former series with flamboyant and fantastic arrangement, and reveals the unstable scenes and objects. Whether they are whales, mollusks, paper boats, astronauts, or even stars, universes, all of them try to tell the audience, or be alert to himself as Aesop's fables. For LAI Yue-Hong, it is not just a discussion of the non-mainstream value; this solo exhibition is more like an artist's re-examination of the state of self.


LAI Yue-Hong was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan, 1990. He got Master’s degree in Fine Arts, National Kaohsiung Normal University, currently lives and works in Kaohsiung. During the school days, he began to emerge in a variety of different creative series, and his works have been popular to public. His past solo exhibitions were “Daily Life of Gunpower” (Dynasty Gallery, Taipei, 2016), “The Scenery on the Fingertip” (Pasadena Bakery, Kaohsiung, 2015), “Virtual Features” (La Beauty, Kaohsiung, 2012). He attended to many group exhibitions such as “Art Taipei” (Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, 2016), “Looking Back under the Starry Sky- Alternative Astronomers of Contemporary Visual Arts X Contemporary Music” (The Pier- 2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, 2016), “Taiwan factory” (Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse, Chiayi, 2016), “2016 Yue Jin Lantern Festival” (Yue Jin Port, Tainan, 2016), “Micrograph” (Sin Pink Pier, Kaohsiung, 2015). His works were collected by Yui Mom Group-Silks Club (2017), Lih Pao Cultural Arts Foundation (2016), Art Bank of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (2016) and the library of R.O.C. Naval Academy (2015).

​營業時間  Opening Hours

週一(Mon.) - 週六(Sat.) 

11AM - 7PM  

週日休館 Closed on Sunday


​聯繫我們  Contact


41&43 Leli Road, Da-An District, Taipei City, Taiwan

T. +886-2-23770838

F. +886-2-23774030


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