公園0151x50.5x20cm_樟木、壓克力顏料、批土、鐵_2023 | 公園0251x50x26.5 cm_樟木、壓克力顏料、披土、鐵_2023 |
觀賞的距離71x26x28.5cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | 展現熱情113x40x50cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 |
保持清醒72x32x20cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | Swinger 6339.5x12.3x15cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 |
Swinger 6235.7x16x18cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | Swinger 6139.5x11.6x13.7cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 |
Swinger 6037.5x15x19.5cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | Swinger 5937.5x16.3x19.1cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 |
Swinger 5839.5x15.5x16cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | Swinger 5737.5x13.5x11cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 |
Swinger 5638x13.3x17.5cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | Swinger 5538.5x16.7x19.5cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 |
Swinger 5439.5x14.5x16.2cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | Swinger 5336.5x13.5x18cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 |
Swinger 5237x13x18.2cm_樟木、壓克力顏料_2022 | 獵人05_75.5 x 30.5 57.5cm_樟木_2021 |
獵人07_90.5 x 40.5 x 31cm_樟木_2021 | 電子靈光_44 x 16 x 17.5cm_樟木_2021 |
TZ_117 x 33.5 x 40.5_樟木_2021 | 數時間_39 x 35 x 53.5cm_樟木_2021 |
捉光_34.5 x 26 x 73.5cm_樟木_2021 | 逐漸模糊_21.5 x 31.5 x 70cm_樟木_2021 |
Waiting Teen Keeps Waiting_66.5 x 29.5 x 29cm_樟木_2021 | Waiting Teen_68x26x23cm_樟木_2021 |
鏡像_49 x 34 x 24.5cm_樟木、石膏_2021 | 鏡像02_54 x 30 x 26cm_樟木、石膏_2021 |
獵人04_57.5 x 19 x 24cm_樟木_2021 | 目送_48.5 x 20 x 19.5cm_樟木_2021 |
獵人06_76.5 x 23.5 x 44cm_樟木_2021 | Swinger 26_34.5x11x14cm_樟木_2020 |
Swinger 25_31x11.5x15.2cm_樟木_2020 | #Skate_72.5x30x17.5cm_樟木_2020 |
Swinger 22_32x10x12cm_樟木_2020 | 曾上杰_挖掘者I_61x29x32cm_樟木_2018 |
曾上杰_保全I_58x28x21cm_樟木_2018 | 曾上杰_Blue Line Swinger I~VI_尺寸可變_2018 |
曾上杰_航入風中_52x130x32cm+105 | 曾上杰_挖掘者IV_135x35x175cm_樟木、H型鋼_2018 |
曾上杰_挖掘者III_93.5x42x28cm_樟木_2018 | 曾上杰_挖掘者II_41.5x40x28cm_樟木_2018 |
曾上杰_保全III_93x37x27cm_樟木_2018 | 曾上杰_保全II_94x110x60cm_樟木、H型鋼_2018 |
《藏著的他|The Hidden One》35x12.5x13cm,木、壓克力顏料、色鉛筆|wood, acrylic paint, color pencil,2015 | 《傑克|Jack》104x30.5x25 cm,木、鐵、壓克力顏料、色鉛筆|wood, iron, acrylic paint, color pencil,2015 |
《前行I|Ongoing I》82x45x49 cm,木、壓克力顏料、色鉛筆|wood, acrylic paint, color pencil,2015 | 《前行II|Ongoing II》55x61x140cm,木、壓克力顏料、色鉛筆|wood, acrylic paint, color pencil,2015 |
《前行III|Ongoing III》72x25x74cm,木、壓克力顏料、色鉛筆|wood, acrylic paint, color pencil,2015 | 《如影隨形的好朋友|The Shadowing Friend》191x40x75cm,木、壓克力顏料、色鉛筆|wood, acrylic paint, color pencil,2014 |
《Friend A》33x11.5x22.5cm,木、壓克力顏料、色鉛筆|wood, acrylic paint, color pencil,2015 | 《翹翹板|Seesaw》21x82.5x36cm, 樟木、壓克力顏料、披土、鐵| Acrylic on Camphor,putty, steel, 2015 |
《傳聲筒 | Megaphone》58x32x160cm,木、鐵 | wood, iron,2014 | 《脫線溝通法 | Communicate Out of Norm 》尺寸依場域而定(單件木雕人物約5x5cm,高度約10-18cm不等) | Size Variable,樟木、棉線 | Camphor wood, Thread,2014 |
《不會著地 | Won't Touch The Ground》177x144x145cm,木、鐵 | Wood, Iron,2014 | 《穿心拉鋸 | Sawing Through the Heart》93x23x63cm,樟木 | Camphor wood,2015 |
《防衛機制—口袋保鏢》《Defense Mechanism-Pocket Guard》 40x22x38.5cm,樟木 | Camphor wood,2015 |
曾上杰 TSENG Shang-Jie
1991 生於高雄
2013 畢業於國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系
2016 畢業於國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系碩士班
2024 《萬坪》朝代畫廊,台北
2021 《獵人》朝代畫廊,台北
2019 《鏟子》朝代畫廊,台北
2018 《天黑前下山》小巴廊,台北
2015 《如影隨形》國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系實驗展場,新北
《ONE ART Taipei》JR東日本大飯店朝代畫廊展位,台北
《台灣-日本交流展》ART LAB A.S.K./櫻木畫廊,東京
《ONE ART Taipei》JR東日本大飯店朝代畫廊展位,台北
《its/它的》EQUAL = 等號™︎,台北
《生生流轉 ─ 台˙日雕塑展》月臨畫廊,台中
《新黒潮チャンプルー沖縄・台湾現代美術展》CAMP TALGANIE artistic farm,沖繩
《嚮 ─ 夏愛華、芝田典子、曾上杰、呂文 雕塑聯展》,SOGO天母店,台北
《台日交流展2020》Art Lab TOKYO & Sakuragi Fine Arts,東京
《ONE ART Taipei 2020》西華飯店,台北
《新黒潮チャンプルー沖縄・台湾現代美術展》CAMP TALGANIE artistic farm,沖繩
《新銳雕塑展》麗寶文化藝術基金會 彩雲藝術空間,台北
《KIAF / ART SEOUL 2016 韓國國際藝術博覽會》首爾世貿中心COEX HALL A&B, 首爾
《彩雲間 – 2016雕塑計劃》朝代畫廊,台北
《YOUNG ART TAIPEI台北國際當代藝術博覽會》喜來登大飯店,台北
2014 《不會著地》「臺灣國際木雕競賽」,第三名
2020 《Swinger系列》滾石唱片
2016 《吞噬之際》台中國家美術館
2014 《不會著地》三義木雕博物館
2014 《奇異的三角關係》精銳建設
2012 《伸手》麗寶藝術文化基金會
2012 《身體是最美好的禮物》麗寶藝術文化基金會
Born in 1991, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Graduated from the National Taiwan University of the Arts Department of Sculpture, master’s degree in 2016
Solo Exhibition
2021 "Hunter" Dynasty Gallery, Taipei
2019 "Trowel" Dynasty Gallery, Taipei
2018 "Down The Hill, Before Darkness" 44 Art Gallery, Taipei
2015 "Inseparable" National Taiwan University of the Arts Department of Sculpture Experimental Exhibition, New Taipei
"Mind Imagery" Lih Pao Cultural & Art Foundation, TSAIYUN GALLERY, Taipei
Selected Group Exhibition
"Taiwan-Japan Exchanging Exhibition"ART LAB A.S.K./Sakuragi Fine Arts, Tokyo
"ととのう温泉美術館"Miya Onsen Art Project, Aichi
"ONE ART Taipei" Dynasty Gallery booth at Hotel Metropolitan Premier Taipei, Taipei
"Art Taipei" Dynasty Gallery booth at World Trade Center, Taipei
"its" EQUAL=, Taipei
"生生流轉-Taiwan&Japan Exchange Exhibition" Moon Gallery, Taichung
"ART KAOHSIUNG" City Suites Chenai, Kaohsiung
"Chanpuru ─ Okinawa˙Taiwan Modern Art Exhibition" CAMP TALGANIE artistic farm, Okinawa
"Taipei International Art Fair" Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
"Siang-Sculpture Exhibition" Tianmu SOGO Department Stores, Taipei
"Art Taipei" Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
"DA LAO" FU YI Gallery, Kaohsiung
"JAPAN-TAIWAN Exchange Show" Sakuragi Fine Art & Art Lab Tokyo , Tokyo
"ONE ART Taipei 2020" The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei
"Chanpuru ─ Okinawa˙Taiwan Modern Art Exhibition" CAMP TALGANIE artistic farm, Okinawa
"Art Formosa" Eslite Hotel, Taipei
"Monsters Festival" WinWinART, Kaohsiung
"Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Competition" Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Miaoli
"Exhibition of Sculptures by Emerging Artists" Lih Pao Cultural & Art Foundation, TSAIYUN GALLERY, Taipei
"Taipei International Art Fair" Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
"KIAF / ART SEOUL 2016" Seoul COEX HALL A & B, Seoul
"2016 The Sculpture Project of Iridescent Clouds" Dynasty Gallery, Taipei
"Kaohsiung Today" Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall, Kaohsiung
"The Sensation Summomed From Wood: Atsushi Mizutani & Tseng Shang-Jie Wood Sculpture Double Exhibition" Dynasty Gallery, Taipei
"Xi Xi: an Expedition of Media Usage" Dynasty Gallery, Taipei
"YOUNG ART TAIPEI" Sheraton Hotel, Taipei
"Up and Comers in Clouds" Elsa Art Gallery, Taipei
"Taipei Free Art Fair" Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Industry Park, Taipei
"Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Competition" Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Miaoli
"Dadun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City", Taichung City Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung
2014 "Won't Touch the Ground", Taiwan International Wood Carving Competition", Third
2020 "Swinger", Rock Records
2016 "Engulf", National Museum of Taiwan
2014 "Won't Touch the Ground", Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum
201 "Bizarre Love Triangle", Jinray Construction
201 "Take It Or Leave It", Lihpao Cultural Arts Foundation
2012 "Take My Body If You Want", Lihpao Cultural Arts Foundation