
Dynasty Gallery
朝代畫廊創立於1984年,為台灣畫廊協會資深會員,負責人曾多屆擔任理事及常務理事,積極推動台灣藝術產業與改善市場環境。90年代開始代理兩岸優秀中青輩藝術家,並於2006年開始經營台灣及亞洲當代藝術,2007年與同業合組「台灣當代藝術連線」,旨在對於台灣當代藝術家的加強推廣,並於2009年成立"Young Art Taipei 台北國際當代藝術博覽會"。目前為“ONE ART Taipei 藝術台北“、“PHOTO ONE“與“VOICES“等展會共同創辦人之一。
Founded in 1984, Dynasty Gallery is a senior member of Taiwan Art Gallery Association. Being the director for many times in the association, Dynasty Gallery has been actively propelling the art industry of Taiwan.
In the 90's, we had been representing outstanding cross-strait artists, and have been starting to cooperate with Taiwanese and Asian contemporary artists since 2006. We used to organize the event “Young Art Taipei” in 2009 to 2017. As one of the co-founders, we have been holding the art fair “ONE ART Taipei”, “Photo One“ and “VOICES“ since 2019 until now.
For now, Dynasty Gallery focus on two aspects: managing classic works by renowned artists, and supporting excellent emerging Asian artists. We plan several exhibitions and participate to art fairs every year, with the earnest of discovering talented rising star.

A館:台灣 10678 台北市大安區樂利路41號1樓
Hall A: 1F, No.41, Le Li Road, Taipei City 10678 Taiwan
B館:台灣 10678 台北市大安區樂利路43號1樓
Hall B: 1F, No.43, Le Li Road, Taipei City 10678 Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2377-0838
Fax: +886-2-2377-4030
Email: dyart.tw@gmail.com